Watch the video below to learn more about Dr. Shah’s path in Integrative Medicine.
See the FAQ below for answers to other questions you may have.
Q: Did you do a formal Integrative Medicine fellowship?
A: No, I took my own winding path to get to where I am today and started my journey before IM fellowship programs were well established.
Q: How do you get board certified in integrative medicine? Are you board certified?
A: You can become board certified through the American Board of Physician Specialties. You must now complete an IM fellowship program to become board certified.
I am board certified in both IM and Family Medicine. I was able to get board certified in IM without an IM fellowship because I completed the process before having a fellowship was a requirement (I was “grandmothered” into board eligibility with my many training hours in medical acupuncture + mind-body medicine).
Q: Did you study functional medicine?
A: I have been studying functional medicine through continuing medical education modules from the Institute for Functional Medicine and periodically from CME conferences. I have not formally become IFM certified, but I do incorporate functional medicine approaches into my work.
Q: Where did you learn about herbs and botanicals?
A: I have become friendly with a number of herbalists on my IM journey and have learned much wisdom from them through the years. I also love the books Medical Herbs by Rosemary Gladstar and Medical Herbalism by David Hoffmann.
Q: Where do you learn about supplements?
A: I learn about supplements from a variety of sources, but mostly PubMed and Consumer Labs, both of which provide evidence-based data on various supplements. It’s a constantly shifting landscape so you must stay on top of your research!