How to Heal and Thrive — Pooja Amy Shah MD

How to Heal and Thrive

Happy New Year!

The good news and the bad news is healing and thriving is rooted in building and maintaining regular healthy habits.

Here are some fundamental tenets of a maintaining a healthy, balanced, thriving life:

• learn to prevent/manage chronic illness through healthy lifestyle habits

• nourish your body with fresh, vibrant, whole foods

• maintain practices that help you to de-stress your nervous system and manage mental health issues

• move your body regularly

• ensure you get proper amounts of high quality sleep + also rest too (they are different!)

• hydrate with clean water

• utilize herbs, botanicals, vitamins, supplements & pharmaceuticals / Rx in a discerning way

• prioritize laughter + joy + creativity + purpose

• be kind to all beings + the planet + most importantly, yourself

• spend time in nature

• encourage love + connection + community

• employ healing practices like acupuncture/bodywork/energy work, psychotherapy, and/or surgery as needed.

• listen to yourself + seek out help when things are out of balance and/or not right.

I believe our bodies and minds’ natural state is radiant health. Our amazing human selves have a most beautiful innate ability to maintain this wellness. If we create the support it needs — the causes + conditions — true wellness can be yours too.

Choose a simple healthy habit to start with…

Can you pick one simple healthy habit to start today? An easy one is the habit of drinking more water in lieu of other beverages. Stick with it for a a few days. Then do it for a few more days. If you fall off, no problem, just start again - almost all of us will fall off of a new habit at some point, it’s the nature of being human and changing anything. The key is to not fret and simply begin again. Then keep the new habit going another week. And then another … this is exactly how good habits are formed.

Building routines that nestle your new habits into place are the next step … but we’ll get to that later.

Need a good resource to help you start incrementally building healthy habits? Check out the book Atomic Habits by James Clear (and if you don’t have time to read the book, here’s a great summary of it.)
